Prophecy Speaks NOW - Pastor Lynn Bryson
September 19 – 27, 2014
Roseburg SDA Church
Links to online recordings of Pastor Lynn's Presentations below!
You can almost see Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar's metal man standing in the streets of every city in this country and around the world reminding us that the next Kingdom to be set up will happen when Jesus returns to earth in His glorious Second Advent and crushes the image and feet. Prophecy is speaking NOW in this generation and I'd like to invite you to join me as we open the Bible and History together beginning Friday night, September 19 and we discover through eleven fast paced messages Hope for now and the coming future. God is at work to finish this conflict which has been raging for millenniums. You will discover new assurance and hope that Jesus wants to free us of our sins and cleanse the record of them forever. You will also discover a “peace that passes all understanding” in these uncertain times as we focus on Him who holds the future. I was baptized in the Roseburg Church over 40 years ago and I count it a privilege to return home and share this good news.
At supper one night our 5 year old daughter surprised us by blurting out "Do you know what I think? Jesus is coming very soon! I've heard the news telling about all the earthquakes happening every day and about all the wars, and I think it's starting, Jesus is coming back soon! I'm so happy about that, are you?" She kept repeating her message and she told me after supper, "Daddy I've been thinking about this and I know it's starting, Jesus is coming back soon. I just had to tell you all tonight."
Psalm 8:2 says "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength". Jesus also said "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
As I talked to her privately about her comments and she told me she feels in her heart/mind that Jesus is coming soon. She has wanted to be a Vet when she grows up and we've encouraged her in her choice as much as you can for a 5 year old. I've told her before that she may grow up in Heaven and she could feed animals there and she's told me "No daddy, I want to be a Vet first and then Jesus can come." Then that night she told me "Daddy, I was wrong and you were right, I am going to grow up in Heaven I won't have time to be a Vet now and that's ok, because I feel in my heart He's starting to come and I just want people to know." My jaw dropped that she would say she was wrong and I was right. Most kids never say that to a parent, especially one with such strong opinions as Meleah. I mean she can't help it she's the only daughter of two first borns and she has to put up with two older brothers who are constantly correcting her. Her comments to me sent shivers down my spine.
The next morning she said "Daddy do you remember what I told you last night about Jesus' coming soon?" I said “yes I remember that” then she continued, "I don't want you to forget what I said." She later told me out in my pick-up when I returned home “I want you and mommy and Michael and Matthew and our dogs Louisa and Sigi and Grandpa and Grandma and everyone I love to be ready for Jesus to come. What are we going to do about it daddy?” Now understand I haven’t preached much in the past two years, but somewhere Meleah has picked up the truth of the Second Coming and you know what, we as a people have got something to do. We must relay the good news of His return to the people of our communities and those we know.
I hope you will invite former and in-active members of our church congregation to attend this series. If you are studying with someone or you know of a heart that is receptive to the urgency of the times, invite them to join with us in Prophecy Speaks NOW! September 19 – 27, 2014. Be watching for more information from Pastor Tom and join me in praying now like we have never prayed before.
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Friday September 19
Saturday September 20 11am
Saturday September 20 7pm
Sunday September 21
Monday September 22
Tuesday September 23
Wednesday September 24
Thursday September 25
Friday September 26
Saturday September 27 11am
Satuday September 27 7pm